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Home Care & Cleaning

In-Home Care Tailored to Your Needs

Expert support with bed-to-wheelchair transfers and other mobility needs.

Mobility Assistance

Ensuring you stay on track with your medications through reminders and assistance.

Medication Management

Implementing safety measures to reduce the risk of falls and accidents at home.

Fall Prevention

Compassionate assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, and other daily tasks.

Personal Care

Respectful and dignified support with toileting and incontinence needs.

Toileting and Incontinence Care

Enabling access to social and recreational activities by providing reliable transportation services.


Elderly getting out of the car with assistance.

Personalised in-home care

Experience the comfort and convenience of personalized in-home care with Access Plus. Let us support you in living life to the fullest

Experience the comfort and convenience of personalized in-home care with Access Plus. Let us support you in living life to the fullest.

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